Prior to coming to PBA, Dr. Faircloth served in intercultural ministry work in Southeast Asia for fifteen years. For the first six and a half years he participated in local church, leadership, and community development efforts in Southeast Asia. During this time he had the opportunity to co-teach a Bible and Christian theology class at a Buddhist university in northern Thailand. In 2011, he and his family relocated to Penang, Malaysia, where he taught at Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary and served as the Director of Intercultural Studies overseeing the M.A. in Intercultural Studies and Doctor of Missiology programs.
He has presented papers at theological conferences in Malaysia and Australia, and has published articles in peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Asian Evangelical Theology, Themelios, New Blackfriars, and International Journal of Systematic Theology. He is the author of Guidebook to the Road Less Traveled (2000), and has published book chapters in Theology and Practice of Mission: God, the Church, and the Nations (2011), Missiology: An Introduction to the Foundations, History, and Strategies of World Missions (2015), and Sin and Grace in Christian Theology (forthcoming). His research interests are theology of religions, intercultural studies, theology of mission, Asian religions, East Asian philosophy, and missiology.
Dr. Faircloth is a PBA alumnus (1999), and he credits PBA with sparking his passion for intercultural ministry through a combination of mission-focused courses, Workship projects, and international mission trips. Before moving to Asia, he worked with an organization that facilitated relief work in Haiti, and also with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Orlando. He and his wife, Christine, are native Floridians, and they have two children.
PhD in Theology and Religious Studies, University of Bristol | DMiss in Missiology, Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary | MA in Intercultural Studies, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary | MDiv in International Church Planting, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary | BA in Religion, Palm Beach Atlantic University