Marcia Bedasse

Dean, School of Education and Behavioral Studies

Department: School of Education and Behavioral Studies

joined: 2018


A native of Kingston Jamaica, Dr. Bedasse has been committed to public education for over twenty-five years. She has served as classroom teacher, literacy coach, school administrator, and as a district instructional specialist. She holds teaching certificates in elementary education, specific learning disabilities, reading education, and educational leadership. Dr. Bedasse is a national board certified teacher in early and middle childhood literacy and is a champion to the cause of serving the literacy needs of students from disadvantaged backgrounds. She served as president of the Palm Beach County Reading Council and has worked to mentor and empower literacy teachers throughout the county. Her research focuses on minority student achievement, turn-around strategies for low performing schools, and instructional practices and agency for teachers serving in high minority-low performing schools. Dr. Bedasse is married to Robert and they have two adult children, Giselle and Dominick. She is an avid gardener and enjoys traveling with her family.